This is my commentary on other people's stuff -- particularly blogs of people I know. Every post title should be a link to the blog I'm commenting about.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hey, I don't suppose there's a super-easy way to cross-post to several blogs in blogger? (This betrays my deep ignorance, I know.)

I'm now thinking that I'd like to have one central blog, which I actually _would_ post to regularly, and depending on what category the thought of the day fell in, I'd like it to get posted to dedicated blogs (Gnomicon, Trollkien, Curmudgeon Gamer, etc.) also. That way _I_ only post one place, which comprises my whole "online presence", and blogs that cover a particular topic suck up the appropriate pieces for their own use.

I don't really expect anyone to see this in the near future, since this blog has been so moribund, but if I do some searching and answer my own question, I'll put the answer here.